February 17, 2025

Vita Nectar

Health is the main investment in life

Benefits of Breast Milk and Breastfeeding

Benefits of Breast Milk and Breastfeeding

Reduced ear infections? Check. Lower risk for asthma? Yup. Bump in IQ? Seems so! These benefits of breastfeeding, plus a whole lot more, are partly why the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends exclusive breastfeeding or chestfeeding for your baby’s first six months of life. Doing so benefits both you and your baby.

These guidelines also recommend continuing to provide human milk until your child is 2 years old, even after solid foods are introduced. That said, if you need or want to bottle-feed breast milk or formula (or both), those are great options as well. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of breast milk and breastfeeding for both you and your baby.

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Benefits of Breastfeeding for Babies

Breast milk is nature’s perfect baby food. It contains immunity-boosting antibodies and healthy enzymes that scientists have yet to replicate. Here are some advantages of human milk for babies.

Provides your baby with colostrum

As you feed your baby, your breast milk morphs to meet their changing needs. Colostrum—the first form of breast milk your body produces—is chock-full of antibodies to protect your newborn baby, says Heather Kelly, IBCLC, a lactation consultant in New York City. It’s also higher in protein and lower in sugar than mature breast milk, so even a small amount can hold off your baby’s hunger, she adds.

Easier on your baby’s digestive system

When your mature milk comes in—usually three to four days after delivery—it’s higher in both sugar and volume than colostrum. Again, that’s just what your baby requires, says Kelly. “Your mature milk is designed to be digested quickly so [your baby] will eat often.”

The proteins in cow’s milk formula and soy milk formula are tougher for an infant’s body to break down than those in human milk, so the longer you can put off the transition to formula, the better. Breast milk also causes less stomach upset, diarrhea, and constipation than formula.

Protects against allergies and eczema

Regardless of whether there’s a history of allergies or eczema in your family, it may be especially beneficial to breastfeed or chestfeed. Research indicates that breast milk provides a protective factor for newborns and infants when it comes to the development of allergies.

Reduces the risk of infections

Breastfeeding also decreases the likelihood that your baby will get viruses, gastroenteritis, ear infections, and respiratory infections. That’s because breast milk is loaded with antibodies that protect your little one’s immune system after birth.

“The incidences of pneumonia, colds, and viruses are reduced among breastfed babies,” says Ruth A. Lawrence, MD, an infant nutrition expert, professor of pediatrics and OB-GYN at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in Rochester, New York, and the author of Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession.

Reduces the risk of SIDS

Although the connection is unclear, breastfed infants account for fewer sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) cases than formula-fed infants do. In fact, one study found that regardless of whether you nurse your baby or give them expressed breast milk, they have a reduced chance of SIDs. And, the longer you exclusively offer breast milk, the lower their risk.

Protects against diseases

According to the American Diabetes Association, breastfed babies have decreased odds of type 1 diabetes. They also have a lower risk of being overweight later in life, which is a contributing factor for type 2 diabetes.

What’s more, studies have associated prolonged breastfeeding or chestfeeding with a decreased risk of childhood leukemia and lymphomas. And, if your baby is premature and you breastfeed, it could protect them from necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), sepsis, chronic lung disease, and other fatal conditions.

May make your baby smarter

Research is still inconclusive, but studies point toward breastfed babies having higher IQ scores later in life, even considering socioeconomic factors. The fatty acids in human milk are thought to be the brain boosters.

Could help prevent obesity

Some studies show that breastfed infants are less likely to have obesity later in life. One theory is that nursing parents get in tune with signals that their baby is full and don’t overfeed, says Kelly. “You have to read your baby’s satiety cues a little better because unlike with a bottle, you can’t see how much [they] have eaten. You have to rely on your own instincts and your baby’s behavior to know when your baby is full.”

Provides a smooth transition to starting solids

Babies don’t go from all-milk meals straight to exclusively eating solid foods. The gradual switch will last from around 4 to 6 months through their first birthday. Continued nursing while introducing solids is important because breast milk or formula remains the main source of nutrition until a baby turns 1.

There are usually still four or five daytime milk feeds as solids are being introduced. Using your breast milk to mix your baby’s cereal gives them familiar flavors, and breastfeeding first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening gives them a calming and nutritious ritual.

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Nursing Parents

The benefits of breastfeeding or chestfeeding don’t only extend to your baby. As it turns out, nursing also has some advantages for the parent producing milk, including the ones listed here.

Lowers your risk for certain cancers and diseases

Studies show that people who breastfeed have a lower risk of certain cancers later in life. Also, breastfeeding has been associated with a decreased prevalence of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and arthritis.

Helps you lose pregnancy weight

Because milk production burns about 300 to 500 calories a day, lactating parents tend to have an easier time losing pregnancy weight in a healthy way—that is, slowly and without dieting, says Dr. Lawrence. “Breast milk contains 20 calories per ounce. If you feed your baby 20 ounces a day, that’s 400 calories you’ve swept out of your body.”

Triggers your uterus to shrink back to pre-pregnancy size

The oxytocin released when your baby nurses helps your uterus contract, reducing post-delivery blood loss. Plus, breastfeeding or chestfeeding will help your uterus return to its normal size more quickly. In fact, in the first few weeks, you might feel mild contractions while you’re nursing.

May lower your risk of osteoporosis

According to Dr. Lawrence, people who breastfeed might have a lower risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis, though research is varied. When a person is pregnant and lactating, their body absorbs calcium much more efficiently. “So while some bones, particularly those in the spine and hips, could be a bit less dense at weaning, six months later, they are denser than before pregnancy,” she says.

Reduces the risk of postpartum depression

Some studies have shown that people who breastfeed report fewer instances of postpartum depression. In fact, one study found that people who were breastfeeding were less likely to be diagnosed with postpartum depression four months after delivery.

Delays return of menstruation

Nursing your baby on demand around the clock—no bottles or formula—will delay ovulation, which means delayed menstruation, says Kelly. “Breastfeeding causes the release of prolactin, which keeps estrogen and progesterone at bay so ovulation isn’t triggered. When your prolactin levels drop, those two hormones can kick back in, which means ovulation—and, hence, menstruation—occurs.”

Even if you breastfeed exclusively, your prolactin levels will eventually drop over several months. Many parents who exclusively nurse will see their periods return between six and eight months after delivery, adds Kelly. Others don’t have a period for a full year.

Provides some protection against pregnancy

Granted, using breastfeeding as a form of birth control is not as reliable as the pill or most other forms of contraception, but Kelly says that since breastfeeding can keep you from ovulating, it can serve as a form of birth control if you strictly follow these guidelines: Your period must not have resumed; you must breastfeed at least every four hours around the clock; you must not give your baby any pacifiers, bottles, or formula; and you must be less than six months postpartum.

According to Kelly, nighttime feedings are key to the lactation amenorrhea method of birth control, so do not let your baby (or yourself) sleep through a feeding. “Going long stretches at night without nursing seems to be directly responsible for the return of ovulation,” she says.

Encourages bonding with your baby

Most parents cite bonding as the biggest benefit of breastfeeding. Nursing is something special the two of you share. You and the baby exchange looks, noises, and cuddles during a nursing session, and communicate love to each other, says Dr. Lawrence. “It’s empowering as a new [parent] to see your baby grow and thrive on your breast milk alone.”

Saves money

Breastfeeding is an investment, but one that is more an investment of time and energy than money. That’s not to say that breastfeeding is free—it’s not. But even if you choose to buy an electric pump, a nursing pillow, several nursing bras, and other nursing accessories, you’ll still only spend about half the cost of a year’s supply of formula. The cost savings extend beyond your household, too. According to a study published in the journal, Pediatrics, the United States would save about $13 billion per year in medical costs if 90% of US families breastfed their newborns for at least six months.

Drawbacks of Breastfeeding

While there are many advantages to breastfeeding your baby, it’s worth noting that it isn’t for everyone. Here are some reasons parents choose not to nurse:

You have less freedom.

When you breastfeed, you are always on call. You and your breasts need to be available for every feeding, day and night. It can be exhausting, especially during the first few weeks when you will be breastfeeding your baby every two to three hours around the clock.

Breastfeeding can be painful.

You may have to deal with some of the uncomfortable or even painful problems common with breastfeeding. These include things like mastitis, breast engorgement, blisters, plugged milk ducts, and sore nipples.

Breastfeeding can be difficult, especially in the beginning.

Not every baby latches on immediately or breastfeeds well. Breastfeeding might be harder than you think, and you may end up feeling disappointed or discouraged. For some, breastfeeding is a learning process.

Breastfeeding requires certain lifestyle adjustments and choices.

You have to think about your diet and lifestyle when you breastfeed. Your baby may have a reaction to different foods in your diet. So you may have to stop eating dairy products or other items that you enjoy.

There are also some substances that should be enjoyed in moderation like caffeine and alcohol, or taken out altogether, like smoking. These can be harmful to your baby. Stress and other factors can also affect breastfeeding and even decrease your milk supply.

How to Overcome Breastfeeding Challenges

Whether or not it’s your first time breastfeeding or chestfeeding, the process can be challenging and overwhelming. Have patience and give yourself grace if you’re struggling; it may take some time for you and your baby to get used to the process.

Anticipating this learning curve upfront can be helpful so that you don’t get discouraged and you know to get help if needed. Here are some expert tips for preparing for and getting through breastfeeding challenges:

  • Get familiar with breastfeeding before your baby’s birth by taking classes or reading books.
  • Start breastfeeding immediately after birth and feed on demand.
  • Ask for help while you’re in the hospital—especially if your baby is having trouble latching.
  • Contact a lactation consultant for help if you’re struggling or worried (many hospitals provide this service for free).
  • Keep track of your baby’s wet diapers. This can reassure you that your baby is getting enough milk. It’s rare for a breastfeeding parent not to produce enough milk, but many nursing parents worry about this.

What If You Can’t Breastfeed?

Breastfeeding can be challenging. Even with the best intentions and a consistent effort, it does not always go as expected. For this reason, many new parents find themselves facing an internal battle of wanting to breastfeed, but feeling like it just isn’t working for them or their family.

If you are unable to breastfeed or simply choose not to, don’t beat yourself up. The decision on how to nourish your baby is a highly personal one, and if you choose to feed your baby in another manner, that is completely acceptable.

More people than you might realize never begin breastfeeding, and many others breastfeed their babies for far shorter timeframes than initially expected. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that 60% of parents quit breastfeeding before they had planned to. 

There are several reasons for the switch from breast milk to formula. Here are a few common ones: 

  • Latching issues
  • Worries about the baby’s weight gain
  • Breastfeeding-related issues like engorgement, infection, and cracked nipples
  • Anxiety about how much milk they’re producing
  • Lack of access to parental leave
  • Working somewhere that isn’t conducive to pumping
  • Having a family that’s not encouraging or supportive of breastfeeding
  • Feeling pressured by cultural norms
  • Needing to take certain medications that aren’t safe for breastfeeding
  • The baby loses interest in nursing

If you decide to formula feed, it’s important to manage your feelings and come to terms with your choice. Internalizing negative feelings can affect your mental health. Additionally, you should try to process and work through any negative experiences you had with breastfeeding.

One study found that people who had negative breastfeeding experiences had an increased risk of postpartum depression. If, after you’re home, you begin to experience difficult emotions or feelings that are interfering with your ability to care for yourself or your baby, reach out to a health care provider for help and support.

Additional reporting by Donna Murray, RN, BSN.


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